Tuesday 21 January 2014

Busy Busy Busy

So it has been a little while since I updated the blog, The short story as to why is very simple, Life gets in the way, Christmas and new years have passed and Brent has been home and is now back to school.
As you know we adopted a puppy in November and who knew how much work that would be? She is a joy to have around but she really keeps me busy.

My first grand baby is about to be born to my oldest son Max in just days, I am so excited to meet this little one and have lots of hopes and dreams for her. I really want to be the best Nana I can be, and I hope I am able to just let her mom and dad learn all about being a parent and keep my mouth shut!

That is a hard thing to do, I have been the mom for so long it is sometimes hard to remember I am not the mom here, what I say does not go, what THEY say goes. Even more so in this case because I did not raise Max, I had him young and gave him up for adoption when I was 17. Fast forward 19 years and we have found each other again and he is now back in my life for the past 5 years. But he has another mom, whom I get along with most of the time, but sometimes its hard. Sometimes you just want to say stop and take over, but I cannot do that.

Max has made it very clear I am to be a part of this little girl's life as her Nana, I am very thrilled about this. There are so many things I want to do with her, I am very pleased to get the chance. So I will keep you posted as to when she arrives, I am sure it will be a learning experience for all of us, The first baby for Max and Jocelyne, and the first grandbaby for me and John boy,not to mention the first girl, I have had only boys so this will be a totally new thing as well.

For now we are all just waiting with baited breath to say Welcome, we love you! and snuggle her for the first time.

I am sure I will most likely be filling this blog with lots of pictures and stories about her so stay tuned!

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