Tuesday 1 October 2013

Happy October

Well the one of my favorite months of the year has arrived, I began this post yesterday because I thought it was October 1, for most of the day lol. But I happened to glance at the date in the bottom corner of my screen while I was writing and saw it was only the 30th. So I decided to wait until today to finish.

Happy October!

The thing I love about this month is there is a lot to do, October brings cooler weather, but not so cold that you are freezing, The leaves start to change color, and everything is so beautiful. There is absolutely nothing like going for a walk late in an October afternoon and feeling the crisp air on your face and seeing nothing but beauty for miles around. Everything about October is nice, It smells different, it feels different and things seem to settle a bit in October. In September, the kids are just heading back to school and most people are trying to adjust. But once October comes, everyone is settled and used to going to school again and doing homework, life takes on that easy pace everyone loves. It is darker earlier too, which although is not a great plus it always makes me feel cozy inside my home.  

 One of the greatest things about October for me this year is Thanksgiving! My son Brent will be home from university for the weekend and we will be having a colossal meal while he is here. Turkey and all the trimmings, his favorite apple pie, and my favorite pumpkin. We will eat too much and and just enjoy the fact that he is all ours for a whole weekend! We will give thanks for all our blessings and the biggest blessing will be that our family is together.

 After Thanksgiving comes Halloween, for a couple of years I avoided Halloween because without fail, it reminded me that Chris was young enough to still love dressing up and trick or treating when he died. In the last two years though, I have been embracing it slowly once again, he loved it and I shouldn't stop enjoying it because he isn't here. This year I am really in a Halloween mood, I want to decorate and hand out treats, in fact I can't wait to transform my home and yard.  I can't wait to see the children of the neighborhood in all their wonderful costumes out in the area begging for candy and treats, There will be haunted houses set up to scare the kids in fun and there will be corn mazes to navigate and before the end of the month all of the summer clothing will go away,replaced with sweaters, warm coats and flip flops will be a distant fond memory. Visiting family and friends will be abundant and the food, oh my goodness the food.. There will be A LOT of food. Pumpkins both carved and whole will be on most everyone's front steps.

October is the gate way that sends us onto the path for winter, but its not winter yet so I intend to enjoy this month to the fullest.

 There are also a lot of events this month, Fire prevention week is October 6 to 12th, if you haven't checked the batteries in your smoke detectors and made a fire plan with your families now is the time. And if you do not have smoke detectors in your home.. get some. For just a few dollars it could save your life and your home if the worst occurs. To learn more about fire prevention in your home, contact your local fire department or visit Fire Prevention Canada.
I also read this morning that October is Brain Tumor Awareness month. One of my friends has been diagnosed with this terrible disease and it has totally changed her world, she often blogs about her journey and the changes in her life. She is funny and strong and she is a fighter, You can read about her journey here on her blog, Tumor Rumor .You can also check out the Canadian Brain Tumor site and make a donation or learn more or volunteer to help raise awareness.

Another great event in October is The Run for the Cure as October is breast cancer awareness month, this is taking place in Halifax on October 6th but in other city's it may fall on another date. You can learn more and find out how to get involved by visiting the Breast Cancer Awareness website. It is a great cause that effects so many women, we need to do all we can to find a cure.

 There will also be many craft fairs and festivals and farmers markets, as the harvests are brought in and people slowly start to think about planning for Christmas.

 I hope you enjoy this month, I know I will, may you find yourself blessed beyond measure this fall. 

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