Thursday 31 October 2013

The monster under the bed

If you have been reading my blog at all, you know I have two beloved kitties named Sophie and Storm. They bring us unending joy, snuggles love and laughter.

 We have had Miss Sophie since she was 10 weeks old, She is beautiful half manx white calico. Her mommy had no tail and none of her brothers or sister did either, for some unknown reason she was born with a tail, She was so beautiful when we first saw her I couldn't help but bring her home. She has been brought up to believe she is a princess ever since.  She is the smartest cat I have ever seen. She has even taught herself to fetch like a dog. She is also the most loyal creature I have ever met. A trait of manx cats is they tend to choose one person in their family to claim as their person. Miss Sophie has chosen me. She never leaves my side.  Never. I can't even go to the bath room with out her, when I leave the house she waits by the door until I get home. Sometimes she falls asleep and does not see me leave the room when she wakes up she cries until she finds me. She is a little needy. She also does not sleep like a cat. She sleeps on her back , or stretched out on her tummy with all her feet straight out from her body.

 If Sophie was a human she would probably be the female equivalent of Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory.

 Even though we have had the same bed for her whole life, the night before last night Sophie noticed there was an under the bed. When she noticed this, she decided there was also a monster under the bed.

 It was about one in the morning, John boy and I had been in bed for about a half an hour. I was almost asleep , but not quite there. It was a pretty normal evening, we spent it watching movies on Netflix and relaxing when we went to bed, the kitties did their usual routine. They came to bed with us, they seem to have an rule whichever makes it to the best first, sleeps at the foot of the bed. The other takes the floor. We are not sure why they do this but they do it every night. Before they settle though, they need their cuddles, then they go to their respective places to sleep. Last night Storm got the bed first, and with a bit of an annoyed flick of her tail, Sophie got some love and left the bed.

 We are not sure what scared her so badly, John boy thinks it was him moving his feet. All we know if there was a loud scramble and scratching on the hard wood floor.

 It was so loud John and I both thought that Storm had jumped down and was picking a fight with his sister. I turned on the light to see Storm blinking sleepily at me on the end of the bed. Sophie how ever was puffed up twice her normal size and was carefully approaching the space under our bed. Her eyes were as big as saucers and she was terrified.

 If you have a cat you have probably seen the whole jump four feet in the air thing cats do when the encounter something strange for the first time.  Our first thought was that there was actually something under the bed. I made john check because the idea of a large spider or a mouse in bed with me was not appealing.  John checked and  swore there was nothing there. The light was turned off and we attempted to sleep. John succeeded but I did not.

 Sophie would not calm down, she kept approaching the bed and then scrambling away across the hardwood floor as fast as she could go.  I am 40 years old, I outgrew monsters long ago. BUT this was not normal even for Miss Sophie.

  I finally could not take it any more , my imagination was running wild on me , she was freaking me out and all sorts of nut job stuff was going through my head, everything from large snakes to big mice and the worst was big spiders, We can get really big ones here. Our second night in this house one very large one ran across our bedroom floor it was so big I thought it was a mouse when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. John had trouble squishing it, because it was so large.  I really have issues with eight legged creatures. Doesn't matter how tiny they are I can't handle them and big ones terrify me.

 Sophie was so upset but she wasn't backing down. Finally she managed to crawl halfway under the bed and stayed there for 5 minutes hissing. Yep I wasn't going to sleep...I don't have an internal off switch like John boy. He sleeps through everything. While this was happening he didn't hear a thing. It was freaking me out, even if it is all in her head, Sophie thinks there is a monster under my bed. And that is enough for me. I got up, yanked Sophie out from under the bed and headed to the kitchen, I went to the bathroom and gave my self a pep talk in the mirror. At 2 am in the dark, things are never what they seem especially when you have a freaked out cat telling you something is off.

 Sophie had already headed back to the bedroom determined to do battle with whatever had freaked her out. I went in and got her again, and did my best to calm her down. I made some popcorn and watched a few episodes of Raising Hope with her clinging to my lap. After about and hour and half she seemed calmed down and I was able to go back to bed. The rest of the night I kept having nightmares of things crawling out from under our bed skirt and crawling over me. Every time I woke up there was Sophie still trying to figure out what was under the bed.

 Once morning came she was still no better, I didn't have time to investigate further. I woke up late and was almost late to log in for work. With me stationary in the office Sophie abandoned her quest and joined me in her usual space at work right beside me.

 On my break I decided to find out what was under there. I went into my bedroom armed with a broom and a can of raid... Just in case. I lifted the bed skirt with care and shone a flashlight under there. I discovered Sophie's monster. There it was among several dust bunnies..... a sock. There was nothing else under there. As I pulled it out to show it to my poor neurotic cat, she ran away. She still wont go back in the bedroom. She will get over it. And I had a good giggle over how I let her make me lose my mind for a night. 
 I wouldn't trade my crazy silly kitty for anything. 

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